Big Head Press

Strip 832 -- First Seen: 2011-11-24
Escape From Terra is updated with new pages every Monday through Friday.

On Their Way....

This is a message for the IGG QV9 backers! For those of you who ordered physical perks, they are on their way via USPS. For those of you who selected one or more of the PDF perks, you should have received an email from That email contains links to the vouchers you need to download your copy of the PDF you requested.

If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check your spam folder. If you still can't find the email from DriveThruComics, let us know and we'll get the links you need.

Signing and Shipping

Scott signing QV9 books.

Scott has finished autographing all the books, and we've started shipping them out. Your physical perks should show up in the next week or so (might be a bit longer for international shipments). We expect to send out vouchers (via email) to those who wanted the PDF e-books.

Once again, many thanks to our backers. Stand by for further updates.

The Transcript For This Page

Panel 1
Frank, Babbette and Reggie seat themselves.
Frank: I'd bet dollars to donuts you're not from Mars, either.
Frank: I noticed you leaned forward just a little to far as you walked in. Ceres?

Panel 2
Babbette and Reggie sit stone faced, as Frank has his second 'ah-ha' moment.
Frank: No matter, I – wait! I know who you are!
Frank: Though I thought you were older.

Panel 3
Frank stands, and executes a deep, reverential bow.
Frank: What brings you to our fair realm, your majesty?
Reggie: It's rejuv, and we are sort of on our honeymoon.

Panel 4
Reggie leans forward, forearms braced on knees, getting down to business.
Reggie: Anyway, a little bird told me you were the go-to man for all things Mercurial.
Reggie: I have the impression that this personal service provider strike is about more than a maid getting manhandled. Is it?

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